
  • The Central Library, BGSEC’s prime knowledge source, has an impressive collection of 3600+ Volumes of 300+ Titles and 30 National & International Journals, 10 Magazines and 6 Newspapers to cater to the requirements of Engineering streams. The library books can be easily accessed through the use of the Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) and are fully automated with the “Bar Code Mechanism” (BCM).


  • The Library is open from 08:00 A.M. to 08:00 P.M. on all college working days.
  • The circulation service can be availed by the users between 09:00 A.M. and 5.00 P.M. every day from Monday to Saturday.
  • Every User has to submit library membership form to become a member of the library.
  • Users can avail access into the library after scanning their bar-coded identity card at the entrance. This card is non-transferable and the user will be held responsible for its misuse.
  • Members have to inform in the library in case they lose their identity card and/or there is any change in their mobile number, e-mail address etc.
  • The users should leave their belongings at the property racks near the entrance.
  • Silence should be strictly maintained in the library.
  • Users should switch off their mobile phones before they enter the library.
  • Mutilation & Damage of library materials are serious offences. No person should write upon, damage or make any mark upon any Book, Journal/Magazine or any property belonging to the library. Any damage to the library property will be recovered from the concerned persons.
  • All the users of the library are expected to return all the documents borrowed by them and obtain a “No Dues Certificate” before they leave college.
  • The Books should be returned in due time. Else, Over due charges will be levied from the students as per library rules for each day the document is kept over time. All the books borrowed by users should be returned before the commencement of vacations.
  • In case a user loses a borrowed document from the library, he/she should replace with a new one of the same document.
  • Any discrepancies related to the document borrowed should be brought to the notice of the library staff immediately.
Sl. No. Description Particulars


Total Area of the Library

810+ Sq. Mtrs.


Working hours of the Library

8:00a.m. to 8:00 p.m.


Seating Capacity of the Library

250 Patrons


Reprographic Facility



Library Networking Facility



Digital Library

Available (20 Systems)


Wi-Fi Facility
